예상 영어 면접 질문들

2010. 3. 17. 23:45

예상 영어 면접 질문들


지원 동기

What made you decide to apply for this company?
(왜 우리 회사를 지원하게 되었습니까?)
- I think this company has a bright future and I’ll be able to develop my own capabilities, so I want to be a member of this company.


Do you expect you will be satisfied with this field?

(이 분야의 일에 만족할 수 있으리라고 생각합니까?)

- Yes, I do. And I think choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. Besides I guess working in this field will be suitable for my aptitude.



인적 사항에 관한 질문


When were you born?/What is your date of birth?
(언제 태어났습니까?)
- I was born on May 5. 1980.

What is your present address? / Give me your home address.

(현재 사는 곳이 어디입니까?)

- I live in Seoul./My home address is #000, Samsung APT, Samsung-dong, Seoul.


How many are there in your family?/ How big is your family?
(당신의 가족은 몇 명입니까?)
- There are six of us altogether.


학력 사항에 관한 질문


What school did you graduate from?
(졸업한 학교는 어디입니까?)
- I graduated from Korea University.

Do you have any licenses or certificates?

(면허증이나 자격증을 가지고 있습니까?)

- Yes, I have studied English to be an English Tour Guide for about 3 years, and I have passed the English Tour Guide Exam three month ago and finished a training course for tour guide last week.


Have you served the army?/Have you completed your military service?

(군복무를 마쳤습니까?)
- Yes, I got discharged from the army last year.

- No, I am exempted from military service.



전공 관련

What did you major in?
(전공은 무엇입니까?)
- I majored in Tourism/English literature/Economics/Korean History in University.


Would you please tell me something about the courses you took in University?

(대학에서 어떤 과목을 이수했는지 말씀해 주겠습니까?)

- I completed English, Business Law, Psychology, Marketing, etc.


What was your graduation thesis on?

(졸업 논문의 주제는 무엇이었습니까?)

- I wrote on “Tourism and Modern Industry”.


What degree did you get in college?/What kind of grades did you make in college?

(대학 시절의 성적은 어떠했습니까?)

- I got a B average.

- I graduated with honors.

- I got full marks in English.

- They are above average B.



기타 활동들 질문


Please tell me your extracurricular activities in your school days?
(재학시절 과외활동에 대해 말씀해주세요.)
- I joined a tennis club.

- I represented my university at English speech contests.

Did you ever have any part-time job before?
(전에 아르바이트를 해 본 경험이 있습니까?)
- Certainly. When I was in college I used to work in a restaurant as a waiter.




What do you think your weakness is?
(당신의 약점은 무엇이라고 생각합니까?)
- Well, I think I approach everything a little rashly.

- I’m afraid I’m rather talkative.

What are your strong points?

(당신의 강점은 무엇입니까?)

- Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I guess. I don’t like to leave anything half-done. I can’t concentrate on something else until the first thing is completed.

Do you mix with others well?/do you get along with others?

(다른 사람들과 잘 어울리는 편인가요?)

- Of course, I’m a good mixer.

- Everyone says I’m a very likable person.

- They say I certainly mix well.

Do you think you are challenging?

(자신이 도전적인 사람이라고 생각합니까?)

- Yes, I think I am very challenging and ambitious.

Do you think you are a responsible person?

(당신은 자신이 책임감 있는 사람이라고 생각합니까?)

- Yes, I don’t think it’s good to be irresponsible at any time.


생활 신조

What do you consider is the most important thing for your happy life?
(행복한 인생을 위해 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각합니까?)
- I think the most important thing is making good friends one can talk to, especially in trouble. The more good friends one has, the better.


What’s your ambition in life?

(인생의 꿈은 무엇입니까?)

- I’d like to be a good English Tour Guide, and I want to show foreigners what a wonderful country Korea is.

What’s your view of life?

(당신의 인생 철학은 무엇입니까?)
- I believe it’s always good to look on the bright side of things.

Why do you think we need a job?

(사람은 왜 직업이 필요하다고 생각합니까?)

- A job gives us the sense of security.
- I think people work to meet their goals in life.

- I think people work for personal satisfaction.


이직 이유

Why do you want to leave your present job?
(왜 당신의 지금 일을 그만두길 원합니까?)
- They wouldn’t give me any chance to use what I have learned in University. Besides I couldn’t be satisfied with their working condition.




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